Monday, April 6, 2009

Online Investmnets:


Today is a very special day! Today is a ground breaking day in the online investment markets with the full launch of The Online Investment Assurance Network (The OIAN)! From this day forward (13 Sep 09), there is now a fully incorporated, legally registered, REAL business entity that will act on behalf if it’s membership as a watchdog entity over this market place. The OIAN is fully dedicated to its membership’s best interests first and for most. By having devised a system that is intended to function as a full business program in the online investment market, the OIAN will provide members with the tools and knowledge base to succeed with online investing. The OIAN has implemented a business matrix (plan) that will provide our members with several key advantages which will be discussed a little later in this Blog.

First and foremost however, let’s address the burning question. What is The OIAN?

Simply put, The OIAN is a network (group) of people (being our members) working together towards a common goal. In the case of The OIAN as it pertains to the online investment market, that goal is to minimize as much risk as possible to make money through online investment options. Furthermore, The OIAN is an assurance program. A built in system of assurance comprised of both financial assurance funds AND a true to life due diligence service that ordinarily would be unreasonable for an individual to conduct. However, a group is a completely different story. Additionally, The OIAN has added a profit generation mechanism allowing the membership to earn profit just for being a member.

How this is accomplished, is through our business matrix (plan), which was conceptually designed and tested since 2007. The OIAN had put in many painstaking hours of examination, evaluation, testing and hours of research. We can honestly and safely say that we have FINALLY devised a business system that will actually help people earn REAL profits in the online investing market. The OIAN is NOT one of those systems that promises to make you rich by taking a few quick cheap dollars and then leaves you high and dry. The OIAN is a system that was built for our members. A total business package, providing our members (partners) their own business system. Yes, this is correct; The OIAN is the membership’s business as much as it is the ownership’s business. We devised The OIAN to be a successfully no matter what the outcome be, low or a high membership volume, poor returns from investors, you name it this system was built to be a success. How we did this was by taking a long term approach to the design of The OIAN, then tested many fail situations. Each and every time our system was tested, we seemed to prevail and do exactly what we designed it to do and that was to keep people from losing money and actually see the returns come back through online investments.

Services Provided:

By now I’m sure you are thinking this all sounds great but is this really possible? Let me assure you yes it is, and allow me to qualify our claims shortly. First however I would like to address a matter of some importance you should be aware of before getting too engaged. A well informed partner is a well armed partner. We want our members to be FULLY apprised of what they are getting into and understand what The OIAN is about. What I’m hinting at is there have been many failed programs out there that have claimed to do what we are doing. This is NO secret and we have no ambition on hiding this fact from our potential future members. These programs were loosely based on group investments into online investment programs. Why they failed is what took The OIAN development team two (2) years to figure out. In a nut shell, it was a combination of several issues ranging from corrupt management (not uncommon as they were NOT a legally registered business) to poor business decisions (lack of a business plan). Simply put they were a quick buck business here today, gone with your money tomorrow. As this Blog is about the launch of The OIAN, I’ll spare our readers (potential members) the long and drawn out story on why these programs failed on a point by point basis. I would like to shift gears now and explain why The OIAN is different. Particularly why The OIAN WILL work for you and all our members. Here is what The OIAN has to offer you and how it WILL work for you:

1. Assurance System: The OIAN started as a protection system. A means of protecting people form losing money to would be online SCAMS. These SCAMS comprise approximately 99% of today’s online investment market. The OAIN has set in place the following key elements to its assurance operations:

a. An assurance fund is set aside for its membership. These funds are HIGHLY liquid able and very accessible to our members. As there are NO 100% certainties in life, this is amplified tenfold where the online investment market is concerned as with the 99% of the odds of finding a SCAM in the online investment market weigh heavily against ones chances of a successful investment. Hence the NEED to establish a highly liquid able, quick and easily accessible safety net available to ALL members at ANY time. Further to this, The OIAN has built a means to grow each members assured funds through revenues generated by business operations in conjunction with our member contributions through their membership fees.
b. A due-diligence process whereby our team actually physically attends the offices of these investment firms. We conduct a verification of their business operations. Our verification process was developed by active and former Police Investigators in which we have combined well over 30 years of investigative police experience! Consider the value this asset alone and what this brings to you as our members? How much would it cost an individual to book flights, accommodations, meals, car rentals etc. To go verify just one (1) online investment? Thousands? You bet thousands. Would you consider this cost outlay a reasonable use of your funds? Probably not for most online investors, however a group of say 10, 100, 1000 or more people? As a group the cost of verification would be spread and therefore a VERY reasonable and cost effective use of funds. As you can see, the more people the more REASONABLE the cost out lay becomes to physically seek out and examine the business operations of online investment options. Simply put this is the power in numbers. For the first time in a number of years the hunters (PONZI SCHEMES) now become the prey and the prey now become the hunters (online investors or SCAM VICTIMS in most cases).
c. Continuous monitoring service of our recommended investment options. A necessary component that we feel we MUST keep a close continuous eye on how these companies perform. We here at The OIAN, firmly believe in continuously monitoring and more importantly keeping our membership informed on the progress of these programs regularly. True, there are many monitoring services out there, but each and every one of them, are FLAWED by design. Simply, their loyalty base is with the listed programs as they pay listing fees, so where is their loyalty with the un-paying site user or the listed firm? The OIAN has NO listing fees, this is our site, our member’s site, and we WILL list our investment options as we see fit. This will be predominantly based on performance and track record.

2. Portfolio Management System: We have devised an actual built in portfolio management system that allows our members to track their performances of their own investments. Further, as the data is available our members can compare their performances with that of The OIAN’s MONITORING performance thus our members can make decisions on which investment options are working best for them.

3. The Private Forum: Our private forum is set up to function as our forum for members to chat with The OIAN admin and with each other. Not just a social area but there are quick links to each investment option site listed in our system so If a member wants to just chat about a particular investment option, click and go directly to that thread and chat away! We further encourage suggestions on our site, forum and proposals for investment options from our members. We do not limit much of anything in our forum and we FULLY support other business or profit generation ideas from our members. WE DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING! As such proof positive, two (2) heads are better than one (1) right? Well then, 100’s or even 1,000’s of members generating ideas on how to make money MUST be better than two (2). In the end, EVERY member profits!

4. A Profit Generation System: This is the key for most members. The OIAN WILL be generate profits from a number of sources with combined profit generating efforts allowing The OIAN to profit share the returns back to our members! Let’s just for a moment look at one of these profit generation aspects. Take referral commissions for example. Many referral sites out there list different programs and earn huge bucks just because you clicked on their link. Now let’s consider what if you clicked on with The OIAN referral link? Yes The OIAN earns a referral but what is different here is that ALL commissions earned are pooled and at the end of each fiscal year EVERY member shares in that profit! This holds true for our exchange service and processor links as well. Basically, ANYTHING generating The OIAN profits will go towards our member’s performance bonus at the year’s end! Again, this is ONLY ONE example of how The OIAN generates profits which are ultimately our member’s profits!

5. Site Security: The OIAN has purchased an SSL Certificate. We purchased a creditable SSL certification from our hosting provider, thus allowing us to perform secure online transactions.

NOTE: Our site is fully secure and legit! As many questionable sites are blocked by governmental agencies, our site is FULLY accessible! We have undertaken the extra cost to be a FULLY legitimate company, both in business operations and our site, which includes site security!

6. Partnership Service: The OIAN has partnered with a fully accredited bank that is well represented internationally. Thus allows us the ability to conduct international SWIFT transfers. A safe and secure way for us to get members their money directly to their bank accounts! Further, this allows HUGE savings over the traditional Payment Processors and Exchange services. This will save The OIAN and our members from paying out unnecessary fees for a service of exchanging e-currencies!

7. Ongoing, Progressive, Real Growth and Expansion Plan: The OIAN is indeed fully dedicated to our membership’s very best interests. For example, we intend on implementing a support suite system which will more importantly provide our members with:

a. A learning data base to help protect and maximize your earnings (coming soon after launch)
b. Full support suite system, by which the licence is fully owned by The OIAN (no leasing or monthly fees bleeding into our members profits here!).
Now this said, there is even further growth planed for our membership, we are NOT going to sit by in our own little niche box and make decent money together, we FULLY intend and have the starting phases of a number of other large ventures designed to support the OIAN operation and bring ALL our members on board with such expansions!

This is our dedication to our membership! Why stop here? Keep growing and expanding, a concept of other knock off’s in the past were simply too lazy to do or simply did not have the vision to go that much further. I mentioned earlier there have been other similar failed attempts at building something like The OIAN by others in the past and here is one such reason for their failure. Lack of vision and drive, what this translates into is a quick buck grab gimmick! Something The OIAN has by its very design can’t successfully do! Why? Our profits are back loaded, no different than our members. Let’s consider just one (1) more point on this, real businesses earning real money do not just simply have that money come to them out of thin air now do they? NO! It takes time effort and work by the employees and the management also helps generate revenue. We too are a REAL business and do not profit without hard work of our membership and our management staff. Then and ONLY then will The OIAN see profits, just like a real business! Why? Because The OIAN is a REAL business operation which is fortunate to start off DEBT FREE! So safety, security, legitimacy and a REAL means of making money all in one!

8. Legal and Registered: The OIAN is a fully legally registered incorporated company. This provides many advantages over failed predecessors simply because we have taken the time to do things right! In doing so we have funded heavy expenses to ENSURE we operate a REAL business. In our experiences, when one starts cutting corners bad things happen. With that in mind, we decided to cut NO corners and do things right. Why? Because failed predecessors; are just that failed! They cut corners and where are they now? Simply put, this is why The OIAN is operating WITHOUT cutting any corners.

The Challenges:
As we are a new entity with a very different focus in this market, we fully expect and embrace the uncountable uphill battles certain to be present. We are changing the entire online investment market with our presence. Change is not always welcomed by the “Good Old Boys Clubs” which are currently dominating this market.

Over time, we are CONFIDENT that we will not only prevail and be successful, but we are confident that our members will reap the benefits of our battles.

We fully anticipate and embrace the work ahead of us, everything from tweaking our site pages, to changing the mind set of currently active online investment veterans.

Understanding and patience will be asked of all our members. However, blind faith will NEVER be asked for. The OIAN will be as transparent and forthcoming as reasonably possible. This is a fundamental policy of our company to ensure each and every member is FULLY informed. We think our pre-launch campaign has been a great example of this policy and now, with our own site, support suite (coming soon) and private forum, we anticipate this communication with our membership will only strengthen.

The Cost:

Initially, we set our annual membership at $325.00 USD, and have received some great feed back in our first month of operation. As we have from the onset of this project, work for our membership, and in consideration of these tough and uncertain economic times, we have revised our membership fee in an effort to make The OIAN more accessible to more people.

We have entertained numerous potential changes to our fee system and have developed a lower more cost effective membership fee, allowing our membership to decide what if any they wish set aside for assured funding. In a nut shell, we have decided to forego having a mandatory assured funds allotment in our membership fee thus allowing us to reduce our fee from $325.00 USD to a more economical $175.00 USD! As always, with such changes come unavoidable sacrifices. However, in this particular case our sacrifice is one of CHOICE! Meaning, we are now able to offer our membership the choice of how much they wish to set aside in their assured funds and this can be done at ANY time through their membership!

As much time and effort had been dedicated to setting our initial $325.00 USD annual membership fee, we still encourage EVERY member to consider this as their optimal starting base. We arrived at the $ 325.00 USD not by chance, rather by a long and hard worked off line testing phase to develop the OPTIMAL annual membership fee, which would allow our members a reasonable security against loss by providing $150.00 USD of assured funds in addition to our $175.00 USD operational costs. All things considered we had figured this to be a steal of a deal, and to be honest it truly is a heck of a deal! Again, all things considered, $325.00 USD can be steep for many people; as such we have listened to our membership and developed the revised annual membership fee of $175.00 USD with a RECOMMEDED assured funds addition of $150.00 USD.

Still not convinced about our assured funds? Fair enough, try this for some of you savvy online investment veterans! Consider how much money on a monthly or yearly basis have you lost to HYIP SCAMS? Our fees including the recommended assured funds, averages out to be ONLY a few cents over $27.00 USD monthly!

In the case of a member opting out of the assured funds and starting with our base $175.00 USD, this averages out at UNDER $15.00 USD monthly! Now back to our savvy online investment veterans, how much have you lost on a monthly or yearly basis? Odd are well in excess of $175.00 USD per year!
With consideration for the above in mind, and our list of detailed services, here is a breakdown of our membership fee:
1. Transfer Fees (incurred cost by The OIAN): $25.00 USD.This fee is an unavoidable fee we must charge as we incur this expense directly. This is a reduced fee as The OIAN is absorbing some of this fee by leveraging and averaging our fund transfers in a prudent manner. Without making such an effort, theses fees could very easily double or triple. We view good money management to be a simple but effective step in maximizing our member’s profits, so it’s in our best interests to take the time and leverage and average a low cost fee vice irresponsibly transferring money everywhere!

2. Profit Generation Funds and Operational Costs: $150.00 USD.

Our bread and butter coupled with our members favourite here! By now I should think it fairly obvious which is our member’s favourite. Yes we agree, it’s the Profit generation! However The OIAN bread and butter is our due-diligence (coupled with our assured funds). As mentioned previously, a REAL due-diligence process! True and expansive process but one that is well worth the expense for our membership’s safety and security!

3. Assured Funds: $150.00 USD (OPTIONAL)FULLY accessible at any time and NOW we are able to safely and securely send this money directly to your bank account! So when something goes wrong we can get you your money much faster than via payment processors and more importantly, directly to you when you need it!

Please bear one thing in mind, each subsequent deposit transaction will be subject to a $25.00 USD transaction fee, so if you choose to add to your assured funds remember this fee will be deducted from the total amount received by The OIAN. This fee IS factored into our base membership fee of $175.00 USD so do NOT add $25.00 USD to the base fee.

In summation, as we have indeed provided a ton of information regarding our fees and services:

1. Our once (1) annual base membership fee is:

$175.00 USD

2. With a RECCOMMENDED addition of assured funds (accessible ANY time to our member OR can be added any time through your membership):

A little History:

Do you know of Warren Buffett? I’m sure many people are aware of him as he is arguably the richest person in the world. Why bring up Warren Buffet you may be asking? A very good question with surprisingly a equally good answer. Have any of you ever read any of his books? Or a magazine article on this man? Quite interesting stuff, but the key here is, he too started off in the High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP’s) world. True, back then there were Less SCAMS and a greater chance of success. However, the plain and simple fact is, this is still a very viable market, with millions and millions floating around. Understand, there are still (all be it very few) real online investment opportunities out there, the sad truth of our story is FAR too often many people are so deep into a hole (not unlike gambling) there is little or no chance of revival even IF they happen stumble across a real investment opportunity. The key is, similar to casino betting and obtaining more favourable odds. Don’t like gambling references, look at wall street and what the traders doing. They are finding ways to obtain more favourable odds. How? Well, oddly enough not much differently than what we are doing here at The OIAN. They have large firms (a group of investors) band together to help increase their odds. So what was it I said we are all about, Networking folks, Networking! What is a network? A group of people working together to obtain a common goal and utilize contacts from several different angles. Starting to see the parallels now? Great, however there is just a little more here before I introduce you all to our site. What we would like everyone to understand is, if you have not noticed we are applying traditional proven business practices, nothing new nothing fancy just plain simple old fashion REAL business practices.

So this brings us back to the online investment market, particularly the “missing piece” as I like to call it, a complete absence of an entity that is not only a real and legal business, but more important, this is 100% built and designed with the interest of the investor in mind. This is the weak link in the entire system that has allowed the HYIP (Ponzi SCAMS) to grow and fester like a cancer in this market.
Sure, there are entities (businesses) that claim to act as a watchdog over this market but how loyal are they? Is their lack of loyalty their fault? Well, first let’s identify these entities we speak of, commonly known as HYIP monitor programs which on the surface sound like a business dedicated to keeping these Ponzi SCAMS in check. However, this is rather an inaccurate impression cast upon the unsuspecting would be investor. Theses “monitoring” programs pose a fundamental flaw by design, they charge the Ponzi SCAM, a listing fee to be rated on their site, hence the question MUST be raised where is their loyalty? Is their loyalty to the investor receiving free listings or is it with the HYIP paying listing fees? Mmmm, let’s consider for just a moment, if you owned any business where would your loyalty be, with a non paying client or with a paying client? The answer here is rather obvious, with the paying client! Here is where the cancer has entrenched a strong hold on the online investment market, keep paying the monitoring sites and be listed as paying; all the while building a cash flow by monitoring new investor money in and paying old investor money out. Simply at a predetermined point, they close up shop and NEVER return. This is the ongoing cycle of Predator (HYIP programs) vs. Prey (unsuspecting investor looking to make a go of it on line).

This cycle is a multimillion dollar business. If played properly one can generate large sums of money, but also in contrast, the very same can be said for playing roulette at a casino!
So what now of the 1% real investments? Well, more often than not, they give way to the HYIP’s offering much higher and simply unrealistic Returns on Investment (ROI). So where does this leave the online investment market? Well, for the REAL investments it leaves them on the brink of extinction and the poor average Joe investor. It leaves them being scammed!

So here comes The OIAN, out of nowhere to save the day right? Actually my friends, the answer is YES, but it is not that simple. Back in 2007, The OIAN was conceptually designed however, there were many similar systems that have since come and gone, or in other words have failed. Why? On the surface, a group of people have a much higher chance of success in almost ANY endever, be it a military operation to a special business task force. Generally speaking the more personnel assets the better the chance of success a venture has at success right? Right! So why then have similar programs failed; in principal, they were designed to create a network of investors, sounding similar? It should!

While other programs have come to pass that promised the insurance on investor money, theses too have failed. Why? Well, in the case of insuring investments, this is a very risky business to be in. Only the largest insurers in the world underwrite banking corporations, outside of that box, anything else is simply unheard of. How many insurance companies will underwrite a person investing on the stock market? NONE! They underwrite brokerage FIRMS, many (not all) of which are divisions of the varied banking institutions worldwide.

Mmm, so why in the world would we have decided to attempt a run at a system that seems destined for failure? The answer is complex; however, many previous programs similar in conceptual design lack a fundamental element which dooms them to fail from the onset. The OIAN is MUCH different, we simply start by examining why these previous programs failed and identified several KEY components lacking in their system. We then devised action resolution plans for each of these flaws. After identification and resolution plans were completed, we conducted off line testing of these resolutions. This process has been ongoing since back in the fall of 2007, and now only in the fall of 2009 can we say that we have successfully built a program that will stand the test of time and prevail where other similar systems have failed. Why? Well for starters, The OIAN is 100% debt free, fully legal and fully registered company. Let’s not forget all the services, research and hard work that went into the design of The OIAN. We built The OIAN to stand the test of time no matter how large or small our membership may be. The OIAN will succeed and along with its success will come the success of our membership. As stated before this has been built to last and has taken us a very long time to get to this point. But if one venture’s to accomplish something, one must first be prepared to do it right from the onset. This is why The OIAN has put two (2) years into the development process and will continued to be refined each and every day to ensure we survive. As stated many times and now clearly laid out above, we built The OIAN to succeed; furthermore The OIAN’s success is dependent on our membership’s success. It’s a symbiotic mutually beneficial relationship with all the tools, traits and desires to succeed!

Now without further a due, we would like to introduce and invite you all to visit us at:

Once again welcome to The OIAN, we hope you are as happy with our new site as we are. In closing, I would like to express my deepest appreciations to all of you who pre registered, and for all of you who have been VERY patient waiting for our official launch, THANK YOU!

Todd Henneberry, Director and Executive President
Jeff Johnson, Executive Vice President
Todd Henneberry
Executive President

We welcome you to The OIAN (The Online Investments Assurance Network) blog site! Following this introduction to online investing and investment opportunities, I will then introduce you to The OIAN, and provide some details regarding who we are and what we do. Of greater importance we shall explain what we can do for YOU.

Online investing, or online investment opportunities can be found everywhere on the Internet, many of these “opportunities” or programs fall in a category called HYIP (High Yield Investment Program). While High Yield sounds appealing, let me place a HUGE word of caution surrounding this:In my experience, approximately 99% of the time one comes across a HYIP investment program and it turns out to be a Ponzi Scam. To define a ponzi scam one can refer to the Wikipedia definition at:

In short, this can be summed up as fraudulent scam where “investor’s” funds are paid by funds generated from new “investor’s”. These scams are inherently designed to collapse within as little as a few months and seldom last beyond a year. The Administration, (or more accurately termed Predators), of these sites are often little more than scam artists with some limited technical knowledge. In short, they are crooks! So what happens to these crooks? In most cases, they are able to close up shop and re-open time and time again! They possess an advantage that many predators in the wild can only dream of. The ability to keep their “investor’s”, or more correctly put Victims, segregated. The added bonus for these predators is that their victims have little more than a few disposable dollars to throw around and certainly do not have a budget for counter tracking and bringing these villains to justice. To add even more insult to injury here, (as if these predators don’t have enough advantage), there is another entity I would like to introduce you to. It is known as the HYIP Monitor. While not inherently designed to be a predator, they unfortunately by design assist the predators involved with these Ponzi scams! As by design, a HYIP Monitoring site is just that a monitoring site with NO TEETH to bite back. They too invest in these HYIP sites, sometimes winning (gaining some profit) and sometimes loosing (losing their invested funds). However, the HYIP monitoring sites posses one advantage over you and I, they get paid by the HYIP scams for the privilege of listing their scams as a paying entity! When the monitoring site no longer receives payments in the form of listing fees and ROI(Return On Investment, or profits), then and only then, these scams are labelled as NOT PAYING or SCAM. Unfortunately, theses monitoring sites are often paid up first, and then a few choice victims for a predetermined time frame. The purpose behind this is to generate a large sum of money and then use the infamous term of "FAKE" technical web site difficulties. Often time in the form of a web site maintained. This staged technical difficulty lasts only a few short weeks as they are closing shop and skipping town with the victim’s money.Here is a shocking fact you are free to investigate yourself. A template HYIP script can be purchased for as little as $ 200.00 USD (or less sometimes). Tack on domain, hosting fees and the odd expenses here and now you too can run your own SCAM for under $ 500.00 USD! Now set up a minimal investment of $10.00 USD per person... See where this is going? 50 people at a very attractive $10.00 buy in and POOF! You have broken even! How many users are estimated to be on the world wide web daily? Ranges show 10 million (or more, I may be using older stats). In any case, that’s a huge pool to draw victims from. To put it in other terms more closely related to finance, how many Billions of dollars are generated each year through the Internet? A figure so high that if memory serves me is slated to hit the Trillions of dollars on or before 2010! So just imagine 100 people at $10.00 each you just made a profit of $ 500.00! Here is a screenshot of a HYIP membership total to give you a good idea of how easy it is for these predators to thrive:

"Live Statistics"

Days Online: 15Total Members: 519Total invested: $ 22,059.62Total Paid Out: $ 8,126.68Members Online: 0
So consider this site (while I am NOT going to reveal the actual site), this is a prototypical Scam site tactic. I only placed this in here to illustrate the mathematics a little further. 519 member at $10.00 each equals 5,190.00 minus my above mentioned $ 500.00 start up cost, This brings a total scammed profit of $ 4,690.00, Oh and did I mention the process for hosting one of these sites take only a few hours! I think we can all agree that this is an easy way to steal money from potential buy in victims!

Enter The OIAN!

Well, now that I have portrayed a doom and gloom picture, you must be wondering why would I want to introduce a business that is based on online investment opportunities and a fair question to be asked my friends! Do you recall when I said approximately 99% of online investments are potential HYIP Scams? All is not lost! There are in-fact several REAL investment opportunities out there if you know where to look. There are approximately only 1%, and those of you who invest online know, they are very hard to find!So who are we and what do we do, and more importantly, what can we do for YOU? Who we are is The OIAN (The Online Investments Assurance Network) as our name suggest. We are a network of people involved in online investing. NO HYIPS but REAL investments. We will provide YOU with the assurance that you are entering into the real and honest investment. We provide our members with the assurance that they will not lose their entire investing funds. We do not and cannot provide 100% guarantee that nothing will go wrong with our recommended investment opportunities simply because we do not have any control or say in how the actual investment itself is managed. What we will do is ensure that no member will lose 100% of their funds. We are NOT an insurance company either! We do our own due diligence so you don’t have to. We are confident in our programs and we will make EVERY effort to make you money. Not only in online investments but in other areas as well! We monitor our investments and provide you with an investment portfolio manager (a means to manage your investments you hold through us) We are NOT a HYIP monitor. We will NEVER receive funds from our investment programs through listing fees. That term or idea simply does not exist with The OIAN.

We generate income through our investments in our recommended investment programs and referral fees earned, all of which equates to a profit generating business. An assured profit generating business at its best! Furthermore, we offer a forum for our members to discuss their portfolio options and much more! In short we are an investment assurance monitor, forum provider, profit generator, investigator for legitimate investments and a home based business that is all wrapped into one!If we can ask you to take one thing with you from the OIAN, it would be that The OIAN only works for its members and NOT the investment programs! The investment programs work for us and we work for you! We here at the OIAN confidently believe that our goal oriented personnel and structured teams, will provide a strong and healthy membership for our members. We will ONLY profit when YOU profit. Without disclosing all of our copy written and intellectual patented secrets, how much would one wonder what it would cost to join the OIAN? Many similar programs and opportunities go for $1000’s of dollars, while others go for a mere $100.00 USD. But what do you get from them? You get how to tutorials with some flashy screen shots and flash videos. Then they set you off on a life raft in the world’s largest ocean of the World Wide Web! The OIAN is a program designed to be a growth oriented business management system and the OIAN will incorporate all of the base components of online investing. It is a developed system based on the one glaring and obvious need in the online investment market. The OIAN is a group of people who are connected, well funded and VERY well represented, POWER IN NUMBERS!

So what’s the cost?

$325.00 USD per member per year! ***Subject to change***

While I worked VERY hard to get this number to a lower value, it was simply not to be. I could reduce the price but a simple issue arose. Something had to be sacrificed beyond this $ 325.00 boundary. Either the Assured amounts or the profits generated. It is my desire and will to see that the OIAN succeeds and develops bigger and stronger with each passing year! My goal for this company is to make sure that the company and its members reside on the fortune 500 within five years and the top fortune 500 company within ten years! Some of you may ask why? For my ego? Sure! To be rich? Of course! But let me bring you back to an earlier comment of mine. WE work for YOU and we don’t make a PROFIT unless YOU profit. That's the key my friends. That’s how we operate. A short term first year goal is to more than double our members assured investment figures and generate a profit back to the members that would cover their following years membership dues! Sounds too good to be true but this is a very REALISTIC goal!While there is MUCH more than this simple Blog message to The OIAN, we are currently in pre launch mode, we are prospecting a possible membership list, which is the whole purpose of this Blog, we are confident in this program and we are here to help you meet your dreams without trading your last cow for a bunch of silly beans. We will help you trade your cow for a tractor, while the beans may or may not be magical, the tractor will service the farm for a good 10 years, safe and lucrative! If you wish to join The OIAN program in the coming months, please feel free to send us your comments, your desire to junior any questions you may have about us or our program at:

Again, if you wish to participate with this new, exciting and profitable venture and are comfortable with our 1x yearly $ 300.00 USD membership fee. Please contact us at the above e-mail and let us be partners in the success of the future! There will be NO FEES charged for pre launch registration. Once we have launched our site, each newly signed up member will have the opportunity to pay their membership fees through a payment processor of your choice (a number of options will be made available to you at that time). There is NO commitment to the preregistration, we will simply notify you once the site has been launched, the rest will be YOUR decision to join or not and we will NOT pressure you to join.We expect to be in full launch mode by no later Than the First week of August, 2009. Should this projection be held up or the pre launch campaign reveals this is a non viable business avenue (highly unlikely) a notice and amendment will be added to this blog. NOTE: This program and the OIAN name and the intellectual concept is subject to the International intellectual Patent and Copy Right laws effective May, 2009. Any clone, or similar constructed concept of this program WILL be prosecuted to the fullest under the infringement laws of their respected nation.Again, Pre Registration is FREE at:

Cheers for now all!
Todd Henneberry
Executive President
